Part of running a successful website is being aware of how you build and maintain your website to be found by search engines and potential customers. While customers are of course the end goal, most of us would be floundering amidst the trillions of web pages online without some basic knowledge of SEO and how to build our websites to accommodate what the search engines are asking to see from us. There are those who spend hours every week tweaking their websites to maximize their SEO, or hire SEO professionals to do it for them. For the majority of websites however, it is build it and forget it. In other words, almost no time is spent taking into consideration what Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines want to see to help their users find quality websites to answer their questions.  Miller Media Management has shared an easy to follow infographic on Google Algorithm Updates that can help any website owner or developer better update their website for more visitors from the search engines.